Tuesday 22 November 2011

Lip Sync - Key famed but not Timed - Initial Draft

Straight Ahead - Throwing Heavy Object

Walk on 2's

A walk cycle copied from an image sequence from Google.


I captured photo reference for this animation. I did not rotoscope, I observed form and movement and from this I noticed two types of motion. One was horizontal being a flat arcing at the pelvis. The other was a loop following the path of the hand. From considering these movements in the form of a loop, I was able to connect each cycle with a consistent flow.

Mouse Melancholy

Here I was inspired to make an opposite of the Mouse Laugh. I decided to go for a mid-shot into close-up. I hope people can recognise the type of action that I have intended my character to expresses.

Mouse Laugh

This is an exercise from Animation Factory I completed as an in-betweening exercise. I was given five key positions and had to work out the rest of the movement from those. As the head abducts from the torso the perspective changes slightly - this was hard to achieve and had to be planned out because I was not familiar with the character design, so had to concentrate on keeping the facial features look the same in each frame.